Command line reference

$ experitur --help
Usage: experitur [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  clean              Clean trials.
  collect            Collect results.
  do                 Execute experiment subcommands.
  run                Run experiments.
  show               List trials.
  stop               Stop experiments after the current trial finished.
  update             Update trials by invoking on_update.

Run experiments

$ experitur run --help
Usage: experitur run [OPTIONS] DOX_FN [EXPERIMENTS]...

  Run experiments.

  --skip-existing / --no-skip-existing
                                  Skip existing trials.
  --catch / --no-catch            Catch trial exceptions.
  --clean-failed / --no-clean-failed
                                  Delete failed trials before running.
  -y, --yes                       Delete without asking.
  -r, --reload                    Reload DOX file if modified.
  --resume / --no-resume          Resume interrupted trials.
  -n INTEGER                      Run a maximum of n_trials trials.
  --capture-locals / --no-capture-locals
                                  Capture all local variables in tracebacks.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Clean failed experiments

$ experitur clean --help
Usage: experitur clean [OPTIONS] DOX_FN [EXPERIMENT_ID]

  Clean trials.

  By default, only failed trials are deleted. Use --all to delete all trials.

  --all                         Delete all trials.
  --zombie                      Detect zombie trials.
  --resumable / --no-resumable  Delete resumable trials.
  -m, --match TEXT              Only trials with matching error message or ID.
  -y, --yes                     Delete without asking.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

Run all the experiments specified in the description of experiments (DOX) file.

Execute experiment subcommands

$ experitur do --help
Usage: experitur do [OPTIONS] DOX_FN CMD TARGET [CMD_ARGS]...

  Execute experiment subcommands.

  --help  Show this message and exit.